Help us FIRE President Zuma. Stop the Madness!

Stop ZANU-PF’s interference in SA elections

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The ANC’s alarming decision to invite Zimbabwe’s ZANU-PF to meddle in our electoral process threatens the very foundation of our democracy.

This compromises the Electoral Code of Conduct that all political parties swore to uphold.

ZANU-PF’s track record speaks for itself – repeated violations of Zimbabwe’s electoral laws and a legacy of undermining democratic principles. Now, the ANC seeks their aid to manipulate our elections here in South Africa.

The DA is taking a stand against this blatant interference. We’re lodging an official complaint with the IEC, but we need your support.

The stakes are even higher, the DA needs your support now more than ever.

Your donation will support our volunteers on the ground who will monitor voting stations across the country on election day to ensure they are fair, transparent and free from external manipulation.